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2017Lithium ameliorates sleep deprivation-induced mania-like behavior, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis alterations, oxidative stress and elevations in cytokine concentration in the brain and serum of mice.Valvassori, Samira S.; Resende, Wilson R.; Dal-Pont, Gustavo; Sangaletti-Pereira, Heron; Gava, Fernanda F.; Peterle, Bruna R.; Carvalho, André F.; Varela, Roger B.; Dal-Pizzol, Felipe; Quevedo, JoãoArtigo de Periódico
Fev-2017The effects of histone deacetylase inhibition on the levels of cerebral cytokines in an animal model of mania induced by dextroamphetamineValvassori, Samira S.; Resende, Wilson R.; Varela, Roger B.; Arent, Camila O.; Gava, Fernanda F.; Peterle, Bruna R.; Dal-Pont, Gustavo C.; Carvalho, André F.; Andersen, Monica L.; Quevedo, JoãoArtigo de Periódico